Electrical Brain Teaser for Students

Here is Electrical Brain Teaser for students. In this two electrical bulbs of different wattage are connected in series. Can you tell which bulb will glow brighter?

Electrical Brain Teaser for Students
Can you tell which bulb will glow brighter?

The answer can be viewed by clicking on the button. Please do give your best try before looking at the answer.


Rehan said...

if a bulb is rated 100 watt on 220 volt for example and another is rated 60 Watt across 220 volt so using p=vI we can calculate the current of each bulb as the voltage is same but current is not the current in 100 watt will be greater than the 60 watt which shows the greatest resistance in 60 watt when u place them in series the 60 watt will have more voltage divided across its terminals because of more resistance it has so it will glow more than 100w bulb

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


RIYA MR said...


Unknown said...

60 W

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...